Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Amendment to the Czech Labour Code or a step towards merit-based vacations…

    The latest amendment to the Czech Labour Code establishes new rules on vacation entitlement and service of process, and introduces the new institution of job sharing. Balancing work and family will become easier. On 24 January 2020, the first reading took place of a government bill for an amendment to


  • uudised

    Terms and conditions in the case law of the Czech Supreme Court – part II

    In the second part of our article we’ll talk about Supreme Court case law on the issue of incorporating terms of business in a contract and unilateral amendments to the terms of business. Changes to the Terms and Conditions A common practical concern is how to simplify the procedure for amending general terms


  • uudised

    The new Czech Real Estate Brokerage Act has finally been adopted

    Will the new law really contribute to improving the services of Czech realtors and the protection of their clients?  Following years of preparations and discussions, Parliament in December 2019 passed the new Real Estate Brokerage Act, which on 8 January 2020 was signed by the president of the Czech Republic. The


  • uudised

    Another limited deductibility of exceeding borrowing costs in Czechia

    Are you aware of the latest restriction on the deductibility of borrowing costs? On 1 April 2019, Act No. 80/2019 Coll. came into force which, among other things, amended certain provisions of the Income Tax Act (Act No. 586/2019 Coll.). Specifically, the bill inserted a new Section 23e in the


  • uudised

    Transparency in Lithuanian health care sector further strengthened

    Pharmacy Law requires disclosure of any transfer of value to HCPs and HCOs from 1 January 2020. An amendment to the Lithuanian Pharmacy Law introduces new disclosure obligations for transfers of value to Health Care Professionals (HCPs) or Health Care Organizations (HCOs) with the aim of further strengthening transparency in


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid