Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Slovakia: State aid for employers during the state of emergency

    Details of the adopted measure No. 3 to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on employers in Slovakia Only recently, new details on the conditions of state aid for employers whose turnover has fallen as a result of the state of emergency have been published. The current


  • uudised

    Implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive – Consequences for Lithuanian companies

    An overview of the German government’s current draft law of the 21.02.2020 and the possible consequences for Lithuanian companies. In the “Corona” period, many other legal issues quickly fade into the background, but these are likely to have a significant impact on the Lithuanian economy at the latest after the


  • uudised

    How will the so-called “60/40” measure be applied in Bulgaria?

    On 30 March 2020 the Government adopted a Decree on the requirements for granting compensation to employers with the aim of preserving employment in the state of emergency due to the coronavirus This article overviews the requirements and procedure to be observed by companies applying for compensation under


  • uudised

    Extraordinary moratorium for businesses affected by anti-epidemic Czech government measures

    In these trying times for entrepreneurs, the government has decided to ease the conditions under which debtors may attain temporary protection from creditors and to make moratoria accessible on a broader basis. Czech Parliament approved in a fast-track hearing a bill referred to as lex COVID, which addresses the areas


  • uudised

    Rules for Czech cross-border commuters during the coronavirus pandemic

    The Czech Republic’s tagline during its EU presidency at the beginning of 2009 was: "Europe Without barriers". How the times have changed... The crisis triggered by the coronavirus resulted in the successful reactivation of expertise as to how to close the country’s borders shut, gained over the decades by senior


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid