Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Remote KYC: not only for fintech

    COVID-19 is rapidly accelerating changes in our ways of communicating and making business commitments, bringing those processes into virtual space. But these changes involve their own risks that businesses need to tackle. EU and national AML regulations already opened opportunities for remote KYC procedures some time ago. These allow someone’s


  • uudised

    Romania: Enforcing bank guarantee letter on failure to pay rent during the state of emergency

    Enforcing bank guarantee letter on failure to pay rent during the state of emergency   Some measures adopted during the state of emergency have resulted in the interruption of commercial activities in shopping centres.[1] This has led to


  • uudised

    On 24 April Regulation (EU) 2020/561 postponed application of the MDR by one year until 26 May 2021

    The Parliament and the Council have acted with utmost speed and provided legal certainty during these exceptional circumstances. Regulation 2020/561 was adopted in less than three weeks.This quick regulatory support is outstanding, especially in the light of the limited number of notified bodies designated under the MDR and


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    Slovakia: Adopting decisions in limited liability companies during the pandemic

    Does your company have an upcoming shareholders’ meeting and you want to avoid the risk of infection with COVID-19?  During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies face the question of how to implement the decision-making process of their collective bodies such as shareholders' meetings or Board of directors.


  • uudised

    Slovakia: Non-payment of rent during the Corona crisis

    As part of the package of measures to mitigate the effects of the crisis caused by COVID-19, the Slovak Parliament adopted a law to protect tenants from termination of the lease by the landlord in cases where the tenant is unable to pay the rent.  The


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid