Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Confusion over commercial leases in shopping malls

    Poland: New rules on leases of premises in shopping malls have not resolved problems but have even created more. Regulations introduced on leases of premises in shopping malls have not resolved problems but have even created more. Due to the pandemic, most shops in shopping malls unrelated to basic needs have


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    Slovakia: Measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus are slowly being relaxed

    A brief overview of the details and rules for the gradual opening of establishments in Slovakia.  The relaxation of measures, including the opening of establishments, was divided into four phases. Phase 1 was launched on 22 April 2020. In view of the low number of new


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    Hungary: After the virus

    What changes in labour law and the labour market should we prepare for? The end of the coronavirus is not yet in sight, but we can be sure that this is a transitional period. In Hungary, extraordinary labour law rules were introduced due to the state of emergency. The greater


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    Slovakia: A summary of state aid to support employers

    An overview of measures adopted by the Slovak government to support employers.  In order to maintain employment, the Slovak government adopted several measures in April to support employers, self-employed persons and citizens without income. Each of the five measures determines who is the entitled applicant, as


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    New law on the screening of foreign investments and its impact on real estate investments in Czechia

    According to the draft law, the government may screen, through its authorities, investments made in the Czech Republic by persons based in countries outside the European Union. The government may affect the form of risky investments and, as a last resort, prohibit or even retroactively annul such investments. In connection


  • Telli uudiskiri

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