Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Care to tell me about your UBO? On the public record of ultimate beneficial owners in the Czech Republic

    A new Act on the Registration of Ultimate Beneficial Owners was published in the Collection of Laws in February 2021, which introduces a new definition of the ultimate owners (along with stiff sanctions). Following a legislative process which drew much attention in the media, parliament has approved and the president


  • uudised

    Are environmental groups in the Czech Republic finally excluded from participation in zoning and building permitting proceedings once and for all?

    Effective as of 1 January 2018, an amendment to the Nature and Landscape Conservation Act of 2017 barred environmental groups from participation in zoning and building permitting procedures. After almost four years, the Constitutional Court has now upheld this law as being constitutional. The decision by the Constitutional Court thus


  • uudised

    Czech nationalism and the common European market: Are we facing a bleak future of supermarket shelves exclusively given over to Czech (and Moravian) food?

    An amendment to the Czech Food and Tobacco Act may lead to a compulsory quota of 55% Czech food products as of 2022, which is slated to increase to 73% by 2028. On 20 January 2021, the Lower House of the Czech Parliament – the Chamber of Deputies – passed


  • uudised

    New holding law in Poland

    Poland: Interests and relationships in a holding company, i.e. in a group of companies within the meaning of the new legislation, are to be given a legal framework. For several months now, work has been going on in Poland to introduce into the Polish system provisions on holding law, i.e. the


  • uudised

    Changes in Latvian Labour Law to enhance posted workers’ rights

    Recent changes in the Labour Law: posted workers’ rights are strengthened following implementation of EU Directive  On 5 January 2021, changes in the Labour Law to implement an EU Directive on posting of workers entered


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid