Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Life&Science news: Green light for purchase and sale of CBD products in Slovakia

    Businesses with cosmetic products, nutritional supplements and foodstuffs containing CBD in Slovakia The Slovak parliament has finally approved removal of cannabidiol (CBD) from the list of narcotic and psychotropic substances with effect from 1 May 2021. This is great news for producers, distributors, exporters


  • uudised

    Lithuania: Remote notary services become possible

    On 1 July 2021 Amendments to the Law of Notariats will enter into force in Lithuania, allowing many notarial acts to be performed remotely. The Lithuanian parliament has adopted amendments to the Law on Notariats, which from 1 July 2021 will allow many notarial acts to be performed remotely. Until


  • uudised

    Crowdfunding in Lithuania: in the wake of Regulation 2020/1503

    On 10 November 2021 EU Regulation 2020/1503 comes into force, bringing substantial changes to the crowdfunding sector by ensuring application of single market principles. Crowdfunding and crowdfunding platforms are a trending financial sector niche which had remained relatively untouched by EU regulatory efforts. But this will change from 10 November


  • uudised

    On the mutual right of first refusal of owners of buildings and of the land underneath such buildings in the Czech Republic

    In a number of rulings, the Czech Supreme Court has clarified the rules for, and the limits of application of, the the mutual right of first refusal of owners of buildings and of the land underneath such buildings. The current Civil Code has reintroduced a legal principle to Czech law


  • uudised

    Care to tell me about your UBO? On the public record of ultimate beneficial owners in the Czech Republic

    A new Act on the Registration of Ultimate Beneficial Owners was published in the Collection of Laws in February 2021, which introduces a new definition of the ultimate owners (along with stiff sanctions). Following a legislative process which drew much attention in the media, parliament has approved and the president


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid