Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Changes to accounting and audit legislation

    Belarus: Introduction of International financial reporting standards (IFRS) Introduction of International financial reporting standards (IFRS) With the new audit Law coming into force it will compulsory to carry out a statutory audit by June 30 of the year following the reporting period. The company must notify the tax


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    How well do you know your business partners?

    Latvia: Latvian Parliament introduces the status of “risk person” prohibited from legal business activities Latvian Parliament introduces the status of “risk person” prohibited from legal business activities If you are looking for a local business partner to establish a company in Latvia, you should be aware of hidden dangers which


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    English translation of all Estonian laws available online

    Estonia: All Estonian laws will soon be available in English online All Estonian laws will soon be available in English online As of 31 October 2013, Estonian legal texts can be accessed via the website www.riigiteataja.ee/en in English. In 2011 the Estonian Ministry of


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    Lithuania seeks simpler and more transparent public procurement

    Lithuania: Seimas adopts amendments to the Law on Public Procurement Seimas adopts amendments to the Law on Public Procurement The Lithuanian Parliament has recently adopted amendments to the Law on Public Procurement (the Law) the most significant of which relate to low-value purchases and more efficient procurement transparency and pre-control


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    Higher-grade collective agreements

    Higher-grade collective agreements without employer’s consent.  Higher-grade collective agreements without employer’s consent. Parliament approved amendments to the act on collective bargaining. However, the president did not sign it and returned it to the parliament with comments for discussion. An amendment to the collective bargaining law approved by the parliament regulates


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid