Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    New rules for VAT deduction

    Poland: From 1 April 2014 new rules enter into force for deduction of VAT on purchase of a motor vehicle.  Early 2014 brought many changes in tax law, including tax on goods and services (VAT). Until 31 December 2013 the law allowed businesses to deduct 60% VAT when buying a


  • uudised

    Working by e-mail or phone allowed even on Sundays and bank holidays

    Poland: Labour law amendment allows delivery of services for foreign clients on Sundays and bank holidays. Until now the ban on Sunday and bank holiday work has been a big problem for Polish companies providing services for foreign counterparts, because holidays in Poland often do not correspond with holidays abroad.


  • uudised

    Focus on environmental impact assessment

    Planned strict binding character of EIA results and direct public participation in approval process. If the Slovak parliament passes a proposed amendment to the Act on environmental impact assessment without comment, this could lead to a stricter and longer assessment process for projects submitted after 01 December 2014. Currently, the


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    Mapping Qualifications

    Lithuania: Employers to file information on employee professions. As before, employers must still notify the Lithuanian social insurance institution (Sodra) each time they hire a new employee. But now the notice includes not only the usual information (e.g. employee name, surname, personal code), but also a


  • uudised

    Group corporations – new opportunities and obligations

    Czech Republic: Company group law undergoes fundamental sea change as of 1 January 2014 The Czech lawmaker has for a long time been attempting to regulate relations within groups of companies (group corporations). Prior to the comprehensive overhaul of Czech private law at the


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid