Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Child allowance abroad

    Germany: It was the common understanding that the right to German child allowance depends either on place of residence or unlimited tax liability in Germany. From now on it can be sufficient just to have a second home in Germany.  The fact that EU citizens working in Germany are eligible


  • uudised

    Legislative changes in the field of pharmaceuticals for humans

    Bulgaria: Revised legal provisions raise new license- and information duties for producers and merchants of pharmaceuticals for humans. In March 2014 changes were introduced to the Human Pharmaceuticals Act. In future a special license and a preliminary note will be needed in order to export pharmaceuticals,


  • uudised

    Creditors, do not delay with execution!

    On 1 June 2014 an amendment to the compulsory execution rules comes into force. On 1 June 2014 an amendment to the compulsory execution rules comes into force, changing the terms and conditions for execution of financial claims. If an authorized party applies for execution more than three years from


  • uudised

    Market friendly changes in the rules of trading with agricultural products.

    Hungary: This March, the rules of trading with agricultural products have been changed in a trader friendly way. The new rules share the risks in a more balanced way between traders and producers and introduce new contract types. Reduced risks Under the new rules, traders and producers may


  • uudised

    Change in the Rules about Consumer Contracts

    Estonia: New Rules for Off-premises Contracts and Distance Contracts A change in the law adopting the EU Consumer Rights Directive (2011/83/EU) enables higher consumer protection levels. Firstly, the changes impose a much wider obligation on traders to provide information about goods or services to consumers before finalizing a contract. In


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid