Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Dispute over mortgage loan fees revisited

    Czech Republic: Czech Constitutional Court does not rule on the merits; Supreme Court condones lump-sum loan fees The competent general courts of first instance in the Czech Republic continue to hand down controversial and divergent judgments in the matter of whether monthly lump-sum fees for mortgage loans are lawful: in


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    Origination of contracts without an understanding between the parties?

    Czech Republic: The new Civil Code makes it possible for a contract to come into existence even if the parties have not reached full consensus on its contents. Pursuant to the statutory arrangement in place before 31 December 2013, parties had to reach an understanding with respect to the entire


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    Sale of pledged assets by the pledgee is newly possible

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2014, parties may validly agree on the direct realization of a pledge by the pledgee. Pledge titles are presently the most common security instrument used for credits and loans. The economic rationale behind this popularity is the fact that pledged assets can effectively be


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    The names of firms determine their fate

    Czech Republic: The rules concerning the business designation of private individuals and companies have somewhat changed under the new Civil Code. Anyone who wishes to start a business has to make a number of key decisions - and the choice of a good name for one's business certainly ranks


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    Child allowance abroad

    Germany: It was the common understanding that the right to German child allowance depends either on place of residence or unlimited tax liability in Germany. From now on it can be sufficient just to have a second home in Germany.  The fact that EU citizens working in Germany are eligible


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