Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Notice calling for the removal of doubts

    Czech Republic: A popular instrument of the finance offices, allowing them to review a single VAT return for months, due to the absence of statutory deadlines Section 89 of the General Fiscal Code endows the financial office with the power to call upon the taxpayer to remove the specific doubts


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    Deposit-refund system to be introduced

    Lithuania: Change to law on management of packaging and packaging waste. The Parliament has amended the law on management of packaging and packaging waste ("Law"). This means that from February 2016 a deposit system for disposable packaging will be introduced in Lithuania. Manufacturers and importers will be required to collect


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    Revolution in liability towards companies under the statutory warranty

    Poland: New rules of statutory warranty bring longer deadlines and significantly alter the buyer’s rights The rules of statutory warranty for defects will be significantly modified according to the planned amendments to the civil code. The amendments concern both categories of buyers, i.e. companies as well as consumers. In comparison


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    Amendments to the Immigration Law

    Latvia: The Parliament made amendments to the Immigration Law which now state that the minimal value of the real estate must be EUR 250 000 for what it is possible to get a temporary residence permit. The new amendments to the Immigration Law state that at the moment of purchase


  • uudised

    Price for work

    Czech Republic: The provisions of the new Civil Code also affect the ways in which parties may agree on the price for work The agreed price for work is a price whose amount has been agreed with sufficient specificity (at least in terms of the method or manner in which


  • Telli uudiskiri

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