Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Finance offices may impose new fines as of 1 January 2015

    Czech Republic: Under the new rules, the finance office may sanction the violation of non-monetary obligations with a fine of up to CZK 500,000 As of 1 January 2015, the finance office have new competences when it comes to sanctioning taxpayers' misconduct: they may newly impose a fine for the


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    Minimum wage suspended for transit shipments

      Germany: German ministry for social affairs – for the time being - suspend the application of the minimum wage for mere transit shipments through Germany.   In the dispute about the application of minimum wage to foreign truck drivers who cross Germany


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    Easier enforcement of European court judgments in Poland

    Poland: Provisions easing enforcement of European court judgments in Poland have just come into force. On 10 January 2015 the Law amending the Polish Civil Procedure Code as to enforcement of judgments by state courts as well as settlements and official documents coming from the member states of the European


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    Reporting tax-exempt income

    Czech Republic: As of January 2015, a notification duty has been put into place for tax-exempt income in excess of five million CZK Effective as of 2015, an amendment to the Income Tax Act has introduced a reporting duty for natural persons which is triggered as soon as their tax-exempt


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    Electronic communication with the finance office

    Czech Republic: Electronic communication with the finance office is mandatory for taxpayers who have access to a databox Taxpayers who have their own databox (or whose representative before the authorities has a databox) or who must have their financial statements audited by a chartered accountant are required to conduct all


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