Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    bnt attorneys-at-law Riga hosted a seminar on the reform of minimum wage regarding international road carriages in Germany

    Latvia: On 13 February 2015, bnt attorneys-at-law Riga office held a seminar on the reform of minimum wage regarding foreign truck drivers in Germany. The seminar was co-organized with the German Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK), the Finnish Chamber of Commerce (FCCL),


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    Interest-free loans

    Czech Republic: As of 2015, Interest-free loans will have an income tax impact on the level of the borrower (irrespective of whether a private individual or a legal entity) As of 2015, new rules apply to the taxation of interest-free loans ("zápůjčka", in Czech, according to the terminology of the


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    Changes affecting the board of auditors

    Czech Republic: Amendment to the Auditors Act has consequences for the board of auditors A recent amendment to the Auditors Act has significant consequences for a special body known as the board of auditors. The "board of auditors" is a committee with supervisory competencies especially in the area of financial


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    When does debt become statute-barred?

    Czech Republic: The introduction of a new concept under which the statute of limitation is suspended during settlement negotiations between creditor and debtor is fraught with problems Part of the new Czech private law is the concept of a suspension of the statute of limitation during out-of-court settlement negotiations. The


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    Collection of Claims under the New Civil Code

    Czech Republic: The recent comprehensive overhaul of civil law in the Czech Republic known as "recodification" has introduced numerous new aspects to legal relationships governed by Czech law. To a large extent, the changes also affect those who seek to recover their financial claims, and such persons are therefore well-advised


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid