Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    EKAER goes live as of 1st March

    Hungary: The grace period has ended and the tax office can sanction those who do not comply with the reporting obligation  Despite the objections of multiple professional organizations and despite many legal interpretation issues still open, the new


  • uudised

    Changes to Polish construction law

    Major simplifications to the Polish construction law will make life easier for builders Work on a thorough reconstruction of the Polish construction and zoning legal system has been ongoing since 2012. The plan has been to introduce a single comprehensive town planning and construction code to replace the numerous acts


  • uudised

    Oluline muudatus Eesti meditsiiniõiguses

    Eesti: 1. märtsil 2015 jõustus Eestis uus organidoonorlust reguleeriv seadus. Uus „Rakkude, kudede ja elundite hankimise, käitlemise ja siirdamise seadus“ asendab alates 1. märtsist 2015 vana, sama nimega seaduse. Lihtsuse huvides nimetame siin artiklis elunditeks nii rakke, kudesid kui ka elundeid. „Uus seadus puudutab igat


  • uudised

    Reviews of public tenders now more costly

    Czech Republic: A "technical" amendment to the Public Procurement Act came into force on 6 March 2015 In response to new procurement directives (2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU), the ministry for regional development has begun work on an all-new Public Procurement Act. Although the Act is still in its nascent stage, the


  • uudised

    Postcontractual non-compete clause – taxes and SSC

    Bulgaria: No social security contributions are due for financial compensation resulting from a post-contractual non-compete clause. How to treat a situation in which an employee receives financial compensation because of a post-contractual non-compete clause included in their employment agreement? A frequently arising question is whether tax


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid