Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    New state registration procedure for medicinal products established.

    Belarus: State registration procedure for medicinal products and pharmaceutical substancesadopted by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 1 April 2015 № 254.  The following state registration procedure has been established for medicinal products and pharmaceutical substances:Before a medicinal product is registered by the state, the Centre for


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    Mandatory employment of fire protection specialists

    Hungary: A new national fire safety regulation and related decrees by the Ministry of Interior have significantly changed the fire protection structure of business entities.


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    Security deposit for rental apartments

    Czech Republic: The new Civil Code has introduced a number of changes related to security deposits The security deposit (now referred to in the Civil Code as jistota as opposed to kauce, the term previously used by the old Civil Code) is the most important instrument by which a landlord's


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    Will people no longer be allowed to submit VAT returns via databox?

    Czech Republic: Finance ministry proposes an amendment which puts an end to the option to file VAT returns via databox The finance ministry has presented the government with a bill that would amend certain laws in connection with the passage of the "Act on Sales Records" (i.e., an Act stipulating


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    Responsibility of statutory bodies and exemption from liability

    Together with approving financial statements, the shareholders' meeting usually exempts managing directors and board members from liability. This means that the company waives its right to claim damages. Generally, exemption from liability is granted for the previous year. However, exemption from liability is not absolute and its validity remains questionable.


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid