Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Doors wide open for secondary insolvency proceedings

    Lithuania: bnt attorneys-at-law represent German insolvency administrator in a landmark cross-border insolvency case. The case concerned interpretation of the European Insolvency Regulation (IR), in particular whether the criteria of an “establishment” were fulfilled, allowing the Lithuanian courts to open so-called secondary insolvency proceedings against a German debtor, where the competent


  • uudised

    Satisfaction of qualification criteria within a holding group

    Czech Republic: The satisfaction of qualification criteria in tenders may be proven by invoking the references of an affiliate, without the latter acquiring subcontractor status. In line with the decision-making practice of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition, which makes reference to the case law of the European


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    Invoice-matching reports

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2016, VAT payers must disclose the data contained in their invoices to the finance office via a new invoice-matching report. The obligation to file invoice-matching reports affects everyone who is registered as a VAT payer in the Czech Republic. Legal entities will file these


  • uudised

    Real estate market confirms the trend towards economic revival

    Czech Republic: Developer trio assesses real estate market development: more new apartments, lower prices, and interest rates hovering at the historic minimum The talk event, which took place on a Wednesday forenoon, confirmed certain trends that had already been observed earlier, but also brought new facts to light which had


  • uudised

    Categorization of undertakings in the wake of the Accounting Act amendment

    Czech Republic: As of 1 January 2016, 90% of all companies will no longer have to publish a profit and loss statement and may compile overall simplified annual accounts (statements). The Accounting Act has already seen almost 30 amendments, but is now expected to undergo the most fundamental modification yet:


  • Telli uudiskiri

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