Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Fourth AML Directive

    Czech Republic: The fourth directive addressing the threat of money-laundering has come into force 25 June 2015 saw the coming into force of the Directive on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, known as the 4th AML Directive, which


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    How to approach General Terms and Conditions and contracts of adhesion

    Czech Republic: What to watch out for when entering into boilerplate contracts and contracts which refer to standard T&C In today's world, general terms and conditions ("T&C") have become an all but indispensable tool in the life of successful business, given the large number of contracts into which they (have


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    VW manipulatsioonid heitgaaside näitudega – kindlusta oma õigused varakult

    Võltsitud heitgaaside näidud võivad olla aluseks õigustele seoses puudustega. Mida peaksid teadma oma õiguste kindlustamiseks. Skandaal seoses Volkswageni poolt manipuleeritud heitgaaside näitudega üha laieneb: kontserni juht Martin Winterkorn astus tagasi ning skandaal puudutab tõenäoliselt ka tuhandeid autosid Euroopas. Ilmselt kehtib see ka Audi mudelite kohta, kuna need on varustatud samasuguste


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    Changes to the procedure for receiving foreign donations

    Belarus: Foreigners should take into account some crucial features of deals with Belarus residents. Under previously established rules, goods or money donated free of charge to Belarus residents, as well as interest-free loans and contributions by foreign members to Belarusian non-profit organizations, are considered as foreign donations and


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    New form of contract conclusion – via document

    Poland: Equivalent to written form, though less formal, document form will make conclusion of contracts easier. The upcoming amendment to the Civil Code reacts to the fact that different forms of electronic communication are nowadays of paramount significance and countless declarations of will are being transmitted this way. This kind


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid