Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Public contracts after 2016

    Czech Republic: Benefits of the new Public Procurement Act At the beginning of October this year, the ministry for regional development (MMR) presented the cabinet with an updated version of the draft bill for a new Public Procurement Act. This marks the beginning of the final stage of preparations of


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    Czech Republic: Management and compliance program Each individual case of failure on the part of a company's employee also represents a truly fundamental risk for the company itself and for its credibility and trustworthiness in the market, and as such may have fatal consequences for the further growth of business


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    New law on dealings with agricultural property in Poland

    Poland: Even after lapse of an interim period in May 2016, EU citizens will not enjoy unfettered freedom to deal in agricultural real estate in Poland On 5 August 2015 the Polish Parliament (Sejm) adopted a law on dealings in agricultural property. The new law introduces generally applicable limitations on dealings in


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    Kurzarbeit – a subsidy scheme for short-time work

    Czech Republic: The latest amendment to the Employment Act adds a new instrument to the tool-box of proactive government employment policy: an allowance to be paid during forced partial unemployment. A rather important part of the changes brought about by the amendment to the Employment Act coming into force on


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    Tax treatment of liquidating distribution in the form of non-financial assets

    Czech Republic: Is the liquidating distribution of real estate subject to real estate transfer tax? From the legal point of view, liquidators face no problems in deciding to liquidate the excess balance from winding up a company in the form of a non-financial distribution. But things are not so easy


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