Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    K povinnostem, které přináší novela zákona o ochraně spotřebitele

    Czech Republic: Ke dni 28.12.2015 nabyla účinnosti novela zákona č. 634/1992 Sb., o ochraně spotřebitele (dále také jen „Zákon o ochraně spotřebitele“). Předmětnou novelou došlo k transpozici několika směrnic orgánů EU do českého právního řádu. Jednalo se zejména o směrnice zaměřené na zvýšení ochrany spotřebitelů a dále na sjednocení úrovně


  • uudised

    Types of share in limited liability companies

    Czech Republic: The various types of shares in Czech limited liability companies, and the limitation of rights and obligations associated with them Adoption of the Corporations Act brought about a certain liberalization in terms of the rules governing limited liability companies. Among the new freedoms is the option to create


  • uudised

    Consumer protection rules change

    Latvia: New procedure for settling consumer claims in Latvia from 1 January 2016 The procedure for making and processing consumer claims against sellers (or service providers) has changed. The new rules can be described as better balancing sellers’ and consumers’ rights. In addition, the scope of administrative supervisory tasks vested


  • uudised

    New building permit fee

    The new act on local development fees introduces another fee for builders. Municipalities will be able to impose a so-called “development fee” in their territory, in a part of their territory or in individual cadastral areas with a generally binding decree. The development fee will apply to every surface construction


  • uudised

    Distributors – right to compensation

    Lithuania: The Supreme Court starts to apply the right of commercial agents to compensation in similar contractual relationships. In its decision of 12 February 2016 the Lithuanian Supreme Court turned a new page in Lithuanian legal history by awarding the same compensation that commercial agents are entitled to upon termination


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid