Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    A new framework for consumer credit

    Czech Republic: The new Consumer Credit Act improves the position of the borrower and imposes more stringent conditions on the lender The House of Deputies is currently debating the bill for a new Consumer Credit Act which seeks inter alia the implementation into national law of Directive 2014/17/EU on credit


  • uudised

    Defective arbitration awards and the res judicata doctrine

    Czech Republic: Supreme Court decision on how to proceed in the case of a wrongful arbitration award Even previously, Supreme Court case law clearly allowed for the conclusion that an arbitration clause is invalid if it does not determine a specific arbitrator (or body of arbitration) but instead merely refers


  • uudised

    Acquisition of ownership title from a non-entitled seller

    Czech Republic: Both Civil Code and case law allow for the acquisition of ownership rights from a non-entitled party Current Czech law, as embodied in the "New Civil Code" (Act No. 89/2012) in force since 1 January 2014, allows for the bona fide acquisition of ownership of real property from


  • uudised

    On the new public procurement rules

    Czech Republic: New Public Procurement Act does away with the often overblown formalism of previous times On 9 March 2016, the House of Deputies passed the bill for a new Public Procurement Act, which is set to replace the current Act on Public Contracts and the Concessions Act in their


  • uudised

    Industry Regulatory PG meet in Bonn

    bnt experts meet to discuss regulation of medical devices, private enforcement of damages in competition law, and public procurement issues. On 14/15 April 2016, the members of our bnt | attorneys-at law international Industry & Regulatory Practice Group (PG) came together in Bonn to discuss topical issues in the fields


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid