Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Support in successful distressed M+A deal

    Lithuania: bnt attorneys-at-law supported the German insolvency administrator on sale of business of the insolvent German Kurz group. Lawyers from bnt attorney-at-law’s M&A and insolvency practices advised and represented German insolvency office holder Martin Mucha from German law firm Grub Brugger & Partner and his team in the successful sale


  • uudised

    VAT registers submission

    Lithuania: Additional administrative burden from 1 October 2016. Registers to be kept by all taxable persons. We remind you that the STI’s order to submit registers of VAT purchase and sales invoices will come into force on 1 October 2016. Registers must be submitted to the STI by taxable persons


  • uudised

    Commerzbank successfully represented by bnt attorneys-at-law

    Lithuania: bnt attorneys-at-law successfully defended Commerzbank, a leading German bank, before the Lithuanian Supreme Court. The dispute concerned complex counter-guarantee and pledge relations between two commercial banks. The claimant, Lithuanian Ukio bankas, against which insolvency proceedings had been opened, requested the return of security deposits that had been pledged to


  • uudised

    Benefits for business in medium sized cities, towns and rural areas: major changes

    Belarus: New legislation adjusts benefits for companies in medium sized cities, towns and rural areas and enables free trade zone residents to take advantage of the same benefits. As before, businesses involved in middle sized cities, towns and rural areas may enjoy tax, customs and other benefits. For example, within


  • uudised

    Improving E-residency options

    Estonian residents and E-residents no longer need to be physically present when opening a bank account. On 16 June 2016 the Estonian Parliament passed amendments to further simplify the process of becoming an E-resident, making E-services even more user-friendly. Both E-residents and Estonian citizens may now open a bank account


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid