Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    How to prevent debtors from disposing of their assets

    In order to improve enforceability of claims, the court can impose a pledge on debtors’ assets. The main aim of recodifying the Judicial Procedural Rules is to solve one of the most pressing social problems: the enforceability of law. During ongoing proceedings over a long period, debtors often start to


  • uudised

    New coefficients for renewable energy rate

    Belarus: New coefficients have been set for the renewable energy rate in regard to new - and some ongoing - renewable energy sector projects. Resolution no 55 of the Belarusian Ministry of Economy of 22.08.2016 introduces coefficients to renewable energy sources whose owners are not members of the “Belenergo” state


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    Last call: need to amend articles of association

    Lithuania: only two months left to change articles of association. Under the Law on Adoption of the Euro, public (AB) and limited liability (UAB) companies must change their articles of association by converting the share capital and nominal value of their shares to euro. A transition period of two years


  • uudised

    21% income tax for companies and 7% tax from dividends.

    Slovak government approved new income tax regulation. Law is planned to be effective as of 1st January, 2017. The Slovak government approved a new tax legislation. The plan is to reduce the income tax for a legal person from 22% to 21%. However, a new 35% tax will charge the


  • uudised

    Belarus in global exchange of tax information

    Belarus: Belarus may accede to the automatic exchange of tax information in the next few years. At the moment, three models of exchange of tax information exist between countries: on request of the authorities, spontaneous exchange, and automatic exchange. Exchange of information on request means


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid