Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Micro-enterprise Tax Law Reforms

    Latvia: Parliament increases Latvia’s micro-enterprise taxation rates and decides on future reforms. On 20 December 2016 the Latvian Parliament expeditiously approved amendments to the Micro-enterprise Tax Law. Consequently, starting from 1 January 2017, micro-enterprises with turnover up to 7000 EUR will be subject to a 12% tax rate, while micro-enterprises


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    Changes on the construction law

    Lithuania: A New Law on Construction entered into force on 1 January 2017; these are the key changes you need to know: Both the red tape and time needed to process planning and building permits have been significantly reduced. Instead of 16 state authorities ruling on a construction project’s compliance


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    Registration of insurance agents for member-state based insurance companies

    Bulgaria: bnt supported the first entry in the register of the Bulgarian Financial Supervision Authority of an insurance agent for an insurance company established in the EU Under the Bulgarian Insurance Code, Bulgarian insurance agents of insurance companies established in a Member State of the European


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    Minimum wage: new registration procedure

    Germany: From 2017 employees must be registered online With effect from the turn of the year some reforms to the minimum wage apply: As of 01.01.2017 the minimum wage increases by 34 cents to 8.84 EUR. In addition, new regulations apply for registering foreign employees with the German authorities. From


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    New Labour Code

    Lithuania postpones new Labour Code until 1 July 2017. The new Lithuanian Labour Code (the “new LC”) is postponed for another half year, to 1 July 2017. The purpose of the postponement is to consider possible amendments to the new LC and other laws of a social model to balance


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