Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Changes to the Insolvency Act as of 1 July 2017

    Czech Republic: Yet another "Major" Amendment to Insolvency Law The amendment bill (Act No. 64/2017) to the Insolvency Act, rather grandly referred to as "major amendment", comes into force on 1 July 2017. The various changes bring clarification as to the international and local jurisdiction of insolvency courts, a legal


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    New Legal Framework for the Protection of Private Data

    The General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR On 27 April 2016, a regulation was adopted on the floor of the European Parliament which introduces new, unified data protection rules that apply across all EU member states: the "GDPR" (2016/679). Supplementing the GDPR, a new Directive of the European Parliament and


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    Paternal Leave

    As of February 2018, new fathers will be entitled to a new welfare payment within the context of sick-leave insurance On 2 May 2017, the president signed an amendment bill to the sick-leave insurance act into law which introduces a new welfare payment, funded out of sick-leave insurance, for newly-minted


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    Managing Directors Becoming VAT Payers?

    Towards the end of 2016, the Czech Supreme Administrative Court handed down a decision which opens the way for members of corporate bodies to become elective VAT payers, with all the rights and obligations that this entails. Pursuant to the current wording of the VAT Act, persons (both natural persons


  • uudised

    New rules on remuneration for construction work subcontractors

    Poland: The amendments form part of a broader reform to facilitate creditors in recovering their claims. Much of the work on major construction projects involves subcontractors. In practice, a significant proportion of legal disputes concerns payments by the investor to the contractor and its subcontractors. The new rules aim to


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