Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    How to establish a company in Slovakia

    Brief overview of the characteristics of a Slovak LLC (spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným, abbreviation: spol. s r.o. or s.r.o.). The most frequent company type in Slovakia is a limited liability company. It is largely popular especially because it is easy to form and requires only a


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    Failure of attempt to impose further restrictions on cash payments

    The upper limit on cash payments remains at BGN 10,000 (approx. 5,000 Euro) Not a single national government has to deal with distrust of cash payments. As of 2011, statutory restrictions have been enacted in Bulgaria that ban cash payments of debts over a certain amount.


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    Far-reaching tax reform in Latvia

    Extensive changes to personal income tax and corporate taxes. On 28 July 2017, the Latvian Parliament passed an extensive legislative package with significant changes to the tax system. The changes will come into effect on 1 January 2018; however, to some extent transition periods will last several years. Strategic objectives


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    The duty of the funded party to the dispute to disclose the fact of funding in arbitration proceedings

    The topic of third party funding in arbitration process is one of the hot discussion topics nowadays in international arbitration community. The regulation is naturally slower than the evolvement of the practice in this area, and therefore, the fundamental question of whether a party has a duty to disclose the


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    Basis for obligatory electronic communication

    Official e-mail addresses must be established by the end of August and registered on the Company portal. With introduction of electronic administration, companies must register a so-called “Company portal”, an online mailbox for electronic communication. Instead of the postal address, this will be the official address of companies for all


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid