Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Supreme Court of Lithuania rules on indirect discrimination at work

    The Lithuanian Supreme Court has ruled on indirect discrimination against unionized workers.


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    Establishing a central register of ultimate beneficial owners in Hungary

    Hungary: a central register of ultimate beneficial owners is established The 4th Money Laundering Directive (Directive 2015/849/EU of 20 May 2015) required EU Member States to establish a central register of ultimate beneficial ownership information (the "Register"). As we wrote in our previous newsletter, Hungary has fulfilled


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    Ultimate beneficiaries: the register in Lithuania is not functioning, but banks are demanding information

    Though the UBO register is in practice not functioning in Lithuania, companies are still obliged to collect their UBO data. Failure to do so may cause negative consequences. Lithuania formally implemented the requirements of EU Directive 2015/849 on the register of beneficial owners of legal persons (UBOs) as early


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    Eesti Riigikohtu otsus kaitseb sideandmetele ligipääsu

    Riik ei tohi sidefirmade kogutud andmeid senses ulatuses kuritegude uurimiseks välja nõuda Eesti kõrgeim kohus, Riigikohus, otsustas, et kehtiv andmete laussäilitamise ja kasutamise kord on vastuolus Euroopa Liidu õigusega. Ja


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    German Federal Labour Court ruling will make it more difficult for nursing staff from Poland and other CEE countries to work in Germany

    Poland: German minimum wage mandatory for Eastern European care workers in Germany Care workers for elderly people in Germany are often recruited from Central European countries, including Poland. These workers are often employed only part-time, but in practice they work longer: they are


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid