Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    A special rule in the Accounting Act restricts payouts of profit shares

    Under an amendment to the Accounting Act, effective as of 1 January 2018, the intangible results of research are no longer accounted for as a part of fixed intangible assets. Research is no longer considered an intangible asset, and this fact has consequences for the payout of profit shares. At


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    Have you filled the mandatory quota of handicapped employees at your company?

    Any business which employs more than 25 FTE employees is required to give jobs to the handicapped, with the mandatory quota being set at 4%. Employers have various options (which can also be combined) as to how to meet this requirement under the law. As of 2018, the framework for


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    Will real estate brokers finally become regulated?

    So far, the real estate agency business in the Czech Republic has been entirely unregulated, but this may change from 2019. The Ministry for Regional Development (Ministry) has prepared a bill for a Real Estate Brokers Act, which was headed for the inter-departmental commenting procedure. An earlier draft bill by


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    Public procurement of foreign medical devices in Belarus

    State health care organizations in Belarus (the procuring entity) carry out procurements of medical equipment and medical supplies (“medical devices“) at public expense in line with the public procurement rules and taking into account the specifics laid down for this category of goods. In addition, Belarusian legislation sets some special


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    Debt relief amendment to the Insolvency Act

    Last year saw the promulgation of a major amendment to the Insolvency Act, which came into force mid-2017. Following in its wake is the so-called "debt-relief amendment", highly debated in the past and set to take effect as of 2019. This amendment bill was passed in mid-January 2018 by the


  • Telli uudiskiri

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