Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Old payment service providers in a new guise

    Today’s qualified (licensed) payment service providers may have their licence withdrawn (revoked) by the Czech National Bank (ČNB) if they fail to prove within a given deadline that they satisfy the conditions for issuing a licence under a new law. The new Payment Transactions Act came into force on 13


  • uudised

    Are we about to witness the end of the systemic bias defense?

    A phenomenon known as "systemic bias of administration", which has long been the subject of discussions, is headed for a solution: a proposed amendment to the Administrative Code wants to abolish the possibility to invoke the defense of systemic bias, with the goal to make the decision-making process of administrative


  • uudised

    Loans from the perspective of joint marital property

    Why choosing not to co-sign the loan agreement is not necessarily the right choice? As a principle, debts which are assumed by one spouse during marriage without the consent of the other spouse are not a part of joint marital property. Those who, taking out a loan, want to avert


  • uudised

    Labour Code amendment passed. How will it impact employers?

    The amendment of the Labour Code introduces several changes from 1 May 2018. Among them are wage surcharges for work on a Saturday and a Sunday which will be introduced in two stages, and also an increase of certain wage surcharges which are already included in the current Labour Code, specifically for


  • uudised

    Legal framework for blockchain technology in Belarus

    Presidential Decree no 8 of December 21, 2017 "On development of the digital economy" introduces significant improvements for development of the IT industry in Belarus. The Decree allows legal entities to store tokens (cryptocurrencies) in digital wallets, to create and place tokens in Belarus and abroad through residents of High


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid