Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    May a managing director and an authorized clerk with proxy powers jointly represent the company?

    Especially in German-speaking countries, a joint representation of businesses by a member of the management together with an authorized clerk is standard. Does Czech law allow for a similar manner of representation? For management purposes, the four-eyes principle is a popular instrument to ensure mutual supervision and control. Usually, it


  • uudised

    The new Code of Civil Justice step by step – mandatory legal representation in court

    This is another installment in a series of articles in our newsletter on the proposed changes to civil procedural law. As previously announced, we want to guide you, step by step and sufficiently ahead of time, through these changes. A particular important and fundamental one concerns the issue of mandatory


  • uudised

    eHealth – implementation in CEE and protecting “sensitive” patient data

    Central and Eastern Europe Electronic healthcare, or simply eHealth, involves using information and communication technologies (ICT) for healthcare. Implementation of eHealth is progressing in the countries where bnt attorneys are represented, albeit at different paces. What is the current status of eHealth in the CEE? Does eHealth protect sensitive


  • uudised

    Bearing the burden of proof

    The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic (CC) has relaxed the burden of proof for certain plaintiffs. The Court ruled that, in disputes between a hospital and its patient concerning compensation, the patient is considered the “weaker” party. Further, the Court stated that the weaker party has an “unbalanced requirement”


  • uudised

    Protecting employers’ interests in labor law?

    It is one of the fundamental principles of labor law that the employee should afford special protection, given that they are the weaker party to the employment relationship. Of course, this fact is reflected in the case law of the labor courts, whose rulings usually favor the employee. Having said


  • Telli uudiskiri

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