Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    The family caregiver allowance – a new form of welfare benefit

    Starting as of 1 June 2018, the Czech Social Security Administration disburses a new type of welfare benefit out of the sickness insurance scheme: a caregiver allowance which may be drawn for a period of up to 90 calendar days. Starting as of 1 June 2018, a new welfare benefit


  • uudised

    Rights of creditors with non-enforceable receivables and their protection

    Creditors put themselves in a weaker position towards debtors, simply by rendering advance performances to them. What are the tools available under the law with which creditors may defend themselves if their receivable is non-enforceable? The creditor renders performances to the debtor in the expectation that the debtor will repay


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    Shredding (and archiving) of financial accounting records at companies

    As soon as the fiscal year is out and has been closed in accounting and tax reporting terms, one may proceed and destroy certain documents to make room in the archives. Are you on top of the mandatory archiving periods for your company's financial records? The range of archiving periods,


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    Notarial deeds with direct enforceability clause and their pitfalls

    Notarial records in which the debtor agrees to direct enforceability are a popular instrument among creditors which improves the recoverability of claims towards the debtor, and facilitates their actual collection. However, mistakes are not infrequently made when drawing up such deeds, which then result in a faulty execution title that


  • uudised

    An ever-contentious concept makes its reappearance: may company functions be exercised concurrently?

    The Grand Senate of the Czech Supreme Court has (again) revisited the issue of whether or not it is permissible for one and the same person to hold the position of a member of the management ("statutory body") and at the same time to work for the company under an


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid