Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Significant changes in the statute of limitations of claims

    Poland: Shorter limitation periods from 2018 As of 9 July 2018, the rules on limitation of claims in Polish law, which have been in place for many years, change. They apply to agreements between Polish contracting parties and also in international transactions when the parties subject the agreement to Polish


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    Fight against money laundering forces banks to take drastic measures

    Banks focused on the non-resident market must close accounts of shell companies to ensure compliance with the AML law. Banks in Latvia have been on a rocky road as of late. The anti-money laundering (AML) law has thus been amended, and now explicitly prohibits banks, payment institutions, investment firms, and


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    Reimbursement of Medical Devices

    A colourful bouquet of systems in CEE countries Many regulatory issues in the field of Medical Devices (MDs) are unified throughout the EU and will become even more harmonized after the entry into force of the MD Regulation. However, analysing the reimbursement systems in our CEE countries, a fascinating bouquet


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    Binding opinions for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act

    The inconsistent decision-making practice of the individual senates at the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the character of certain binding opinions (issued by authorities-as-stakeholders for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act) means additional uncertainty for those who plan to erect a building.  Sec. 149 of the Code of


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    Vacationing with kids after a divorce: how to proceed if you can’t agree with your ex?

    Summer holidays are coming and for some divorced parents, this time heralds fights with the ex over the possibility to take their kid on a proper vacation. If the other parent refuses to entrust you with the child for more than a weekend, what can be done? Parents have an


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid