Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

  • uudised

    Novelties and challenges in civil proceedings in Hungary

    Pursuing an action is now more cumbersome and judicial dispute resolution takes longer because of new Hungarian procedural rules On 1 January 2018, a new Code of Civil Procedure entered into force in Hungary. The declared objective of the legislator was to speed up and simplify proceedings. Unfortunately, experience an adverse effect


  • uudised

    Finally, measures against lack of human resources!

    New rules on employing non-EU citizens might be of advantage for employers Recently, Slovakia took several steps to counteract its lack of human resources. New rules in the Slovak Labour Law ‒ in force from 1 May 2018 ‒ simplify employment of non-EU citizens. Employing non-EU citizens is simpler


  • uudised

    The Slovak Constitutional Court rejects formalistic approach

    The Slovak Constitutional Court ruled that a purely semantical claim is not permissible under Slovak law. Here are the facts: A company, as a buyer, concluded an exclusive purchase framework agreement with the seller. The buyer could order goods – glass cups with the buyer’s logo – only from the


  • uudised

    Conducting clinical trials of Medical devices in CEE

    Key features of the regulatory framework for clinical trials The main purpose behind clinical trials of Medical devices (“Clinical Trials”) is to confirm that under normal conditions of use the Medical device (“the MD”) performs one or more of its functions determined by the manufacturer and to identify


  • uudised

    Entry of land plots in a European Certificate of Succession issued in Germany

    First practical experiences with German-issued European Certificates of Succession are disappointing in the Czech Republic. The European Certificate of Succession, introduced by Regulation (EU) 650/2012, will simplify legal transactions pertaining to matters of inheritance among EU member states and can be used as proof of inheritance law with authorities, banks,


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid