Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Tax obligations, rules and regulations affecting Airbnb short-term rentals

    As of August this year, Airbnb operators will become subject to more stringent checks and audits by the fiscal authorities. This article takes a closer look at the tax rules applying to those who rent out their apartments through Airbnb.   Home sharing is in ever greater demand. In the


  • uudised

    Financial statements or your life… A few observations on the amended Public Registers Act

    Current law already allows for the punishment of corporations which fail to properly lodge their financial statements in the roll of deeds at the Commercial Register, but even so, a substantial number of legal entities keep disregarding this duty. A recent proposal for an amendment seeks to change this sorry


  • uudised

    Alcohol in the workplace – what are the rules for employee checks?

    Not to consume alcohol on the employer's workplace (or away from them, for that matter, as long as they are on the clock) is among the most fundamental obligations of employees. Consequently, employers have the right to verify whether their staff complies with this ban. The present article looks into


  • uudised

    Keeping payroll records

    Employers must at all times observe the statutory periods for the archiving and destruction of documents. In this article, we return to the topic, taking a closer look this time at payroll accounting.   The payroll accounting – that is to say, records and documents created or obtained by the


  • uudised

    Slovakia: Have you identified your UBO?

    New rules stemming from the implementation of the anti-money laundering directive in Slovakia have introduced an obligation to all legal entities incorporated in Slovakia to identify their ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) and to keep respective files concerning UBOs.  The new obligation of the legal entities is


  • Telli uudiskiri

    Vajutades „Telli“ annad oma nõusoleku andmetöötlusterminid