Aktuaalsed õigusteemad

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    Reduced protection of trade marks and sounds as trade marks

    The Slovak President is expected to sign an amendment to the trade mark act. It would reduce trade mark protection only to those in use. The amendment is based on EU directive No. 2015/2436, according to which trade marks only fulfill their purpose when actually used


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    Handling the payment of the purchase price in real estate transactions

    The best and in practice most common solution for a secure handling of the purchase price payment in a real estate transaction is the appointment of a trustee. When purchasing real estate in Slovakia, the parties conclude a contract of sale but the acquisition of ownership


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    Blockchain project legal issues

    There are three main issues that a blockchain project should take into consideration, from a legal point of view. Blockchain technologies thrive everywhere around the globe. This includes the famous crypto currencies (also called crypto), i.e. virtual currencies that use decentralized control and are based on the distributed


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    Recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments

    Foreign court judgments can be recognized and enforced on the basis of reciprocity in the absence of an international treaty on mutual legal assistance. In Belarus, recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments causes more difficulties as opposed to foreign arbitral awards. This is due to the fact that Belarus


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    Advertising medical devices

    In most EU countries detailed advertising rules specific to medical devices (MD) still do not exist, unlike in the case of pharmaceuticals. Discussions are ongoing as to whether rules similar to those governing promotion of pharmaceuticals should also be adopted in relation to promoting MD, including disclosure of contributions


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