bnt | attorneys-at-law in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia contribute to 2016 pharma publication “Pricing and Reimbursement Questions”.
The updated 2016 conférence bleue publication “Pricing and Reimbursement Questions” was presented at the Brussels conférence bleue seminar in October 2016.
The publication aims to provide a concise and practical comparative guide on the current status of pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products for human use in the main EU jurisdictions and some other jurisdictions close to the EU that are of common interest to pharmaceutical companies.
The 2016 edition includes an updated in-depth analysis on pricing and reimbursement schemes in Europe, with detailed information on the most recent changes in the various jurisdictions.
Conférence bleue ( is the European Lawyers‘ Conference on Pharmaceutical and Health Care Affairs, bringing together independent law firms specializing in pharmaceutical, health-care and medical law. Conférence bleue has members in 19 European countries. bnt | attorneys-at-law represented by Yvonne Goldammer is the conférence bleue member for the Baltic States.
Besides publications, members also share knowledge and expertise twice a year with pharmaceutical company representatives at conférence bleue seminars in London and Brussels.
This year’s Brussels seminar focused on developments after the Lundbeck judgment, off-label use, antitrust developments plus pricing and reimbursement issues.
If you are interested in 2016 conférence bleue “Pricing and Reimbursement Questions” please contact: