bnt novinky

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    Nové možnosti v doručování firemních písemností

    Od 30. července 2020 mají firmy možnost doručovat firemní písemnosti svým zaměstnancům do datové schránky. Je to nejen praktické, ale také to odráží trendy na pracovním trhu. Pokud totiž zaměstnanci pracují z domova nebo ze zahraničí, může být doručování do datových schránek způsob, jak jim doručit písemnosti, i když nejsou


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    bnt Lithuania joins as national reporter

    Lithuania is now included in the international Merger Filing Guide at - along with 46 other jurisdictions. provides an up-to-date and well-explained worldwide merger control guide, including a "traffic light system" indicating any pending changes of regulations. The 50 topics include merger filing thresholds, links to


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    Experienced lawyer returns to bnt

    Lithuania: after three years away, lawyer Linas Vadeika returns to bnt attorneys in CEE in Vilnius. Linas Vadeika obtained a Master’s degree in Law from Vilnius University and started his lawyer’s career at bnt attorneys in CEE Vilnius in the Dispute Resolution Practice Group. Very active in litigation cases,


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    New colleague joins bnt

    Lithuania: lawyer Dominykas Jončas strengthens the Dispute Resolution practise of bnt attorneys in CEE in Vilnius. Dominykas Jončas obtained his Master degree in law (LL.M.) from Vilnius University and started his lawyer’s career at the Motor Insurer’s Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania, where he was responsible for handling insurance


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    New Law “On circulation of medicines” comes into legal force in November

    The new Law introduces changes covering all spheres of medicine circulation On 19 May a new version of the Law “On circulation of medicines” was published (hereinafter – “Law”).The main amendments are: 1. Registration (confirmation of medicine


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