bnt akce

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    „GDPR – New European Rules on Data Protection“ Workshop on 13 November 2017

    bnt attorneys in CEE Bratislava is pleased to invite you to the workshop "GDPR – New European Rules on Data Protection" The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes into force on 25 May 2018. bnt in cooperation with the German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce has prepared a workshop which


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    Slovakia: heavy demand for workers

    Workforce in Slovakia in high demand bnt and other members of the German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce are fighting to ensure sufficient workers for Slovak entrepreneurs. Lack of workers in Slovakia also opens the topic of employing foreigners from non-EU countries. On 2 May 2017 members of the German-Slovak


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    We Have Become Main Partner of the In-House Lawyer 2017 Award

    Czech Republic: Our firm has decided to support this year's IN-HOUSE LAWYER OF THE YEAR award, which is bestowed annually upon the best company counsels by the Czech Association of In-House Lawyers, under the auspices of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and (this year) in collaboration with


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    Na veletrhu Job Fair Kontakt 2017 uspěli v soutěži bnt a vydavatelství C.H. Beck tři studenti práv

    Czech Republic: Pražský tým bnt se včera účastnil druhého veletržního dne na Job Fair Kontakt 2017 pořádaného studentskou organizací ELSA na Právnické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Při této příležitosti advokátní kancelář bnt připravila ve spolupráci s vydavatelstvím C. H. Beck vědomostní soutěž zaměřenou na všeobecné právní a soudní znalosti.   Na


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    Insolvency law & criminal law for corporations and enterprises – workshop with lecturer Dávid Oršula from bnt

    One of the dominating legal topics of recent years discussed during a special workshop organized by Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Insolvency law and criminal law for corporations and enterprises is one of the dominating legal topics of recent years. To address these issues, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce organized a


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