Poland: bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw in cooperation with Advicero Tax will be host to a business breakfast meeting on new rules of engaging (co)workers.
Advicero Tax and bnt attorneys-at-law Warsaw are proud to invite you to a tax-legal business breakfast meeting on the topic „New rules of engaging (co)workers. Tax and legal aspects“. The meeting will take place at Advicero Tax office on 28 January 2016, starting from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Here are some of the issues that will be discussed at the meeting:
- Tax and social premiums payable on remuneration coming from employment, mandate or task-specific contracts in 2016
- What type of contract should one choose? – tax aspects
- Possibilites of tax optimization in salary payments
- How to properly draft an employment, mandate or task-specific contract?
- Types of employment contracts – changes as of 22 February 2016
- New limitations to multiple definite term contracts
The breakfast meeting will be held in Polish language only. Number of participants is limited and they will be handled on a first-apply-first-served basis. Participation cost per guest is PLN 75 gross. Should you be interested in attending the meeting, please send your application to or .
Topic: „New Rules of Engaging (Co)Workers. Tax and Legal Aspects“
Venue: Advicero Tax office in Warsaw, Poland
Address: ul. Moniuszki 1A, 00-014 Warsaw, Poland
Date: 28 January 2016 (Thu)
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
We look forward to meeting you at the business breakfast!