Online communication with the finance office becomes a reality in the Czech Republic

„MOJE daně“ (MY taxes) – a new project by the Czech finance ministry designed to facilitate the communication with the financial authorities.

The government passed a bill for amendment of the General Fiscal Code which, if written into law, should lead to a substantive modernization, simplification, and digitalization of tax procedures.

With each passing year, more and more taxpayers make use of the option to file electronically. Last year, their number approached the three-million threshold; a substantial proportion of the growth is attributable to electronic filings of wage tax returns by people who are in dependent gainful employment.

The bill for the MOJE daně portal is expected to expand on the possibilities offered by the tax administration’s existing information box in order to provide taxpayers with a better overview of their tax duties. Among other things, the system will offer increased convenience in the form of electronic forms that are partly pre-filled (using data available to the revenue service from previous tax returns); also, the option to file tax returns over the internet will be substantially broader than today.

Access authorization to the MOJE daně portal will be based on the electronic ID card, or on the data used to access one’s databox, or on dedicated access data assigned by the finance office.

The rationale behind the amendment is to motivate taxpayers to communicate with the finance authorities electronically as much as possible. Incentives include an extended time period for filing one’s income tax return by one month, or expedited tax refunds for those who file their claim electronically.

The amended General Fiscal Code also provides for a comprehensive overhaul in the area of interest assessment and payment, lowering the default interest for late payments of tax debts.

The portal can be found on the website The finance ministry expects regular operations to commence in 4Q 2020.






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