Lithuania: Change to law on management of packaging and packaging waste.
The Parliament has amended the law on management of packaging and packaging waste („Law“). This means that from February 2016 a deposit system for disposable packaging will be introduced in Lithuania. Manufacturers and importers will be required to collect a deposit if:
– they place drinks defined by Law as alcoholic and non-alcoholic on the Lithuanian home market;
– these drinks are packed in disposable packaging made of glass, plastic or metal;
– these packages contain more than 100 millilitres and less than 3 litres.
No deposit will be taken for products to which the deposit system would apply but which are exported outside Lithuania. Another exception covers packaging of drinks intended for sale and (or) use by passengers of means of transportation as defined by Law.
Sellers of non-returnable packaging will be obliged to accept packaging waste subject to a deposit and return the deposit. This obligation does not apply to sellers of disposable packaging when their sales are in a store with a sales area of up to 300 square meters (with the exception of village shops), a department store, a kiosk, a gas station or a public catering establishment. Manufacturers and importers will have to mark packaging that requires a compulsory deposit with a symbol of the deposit system. Packaging that requires a compulsory deposit without this symbol can be imported, distributed and sold in Lithuania until 1 May 2016.
Source: TAR, 2014, No.: 2014-05579.