Poland: Polska Grupa Energetyczna to invest 50 billion PLN in the medium term.
The PGE S.A. supervisory board has just confirmed its new development strategy for the coming years. Plans are to invest 50 billion PLN by 2020 in long term projects such as building new coal power units in Opole and Turów (total estimated cost of both new power units is 15 billion PLN). However, the biggest investment foreseen in the new strategy is construction of the first nuclear power station in Poland. By the end of 2016 a strategic partner for this project should be chosen, to be responsible for obtaining funding sources plus operating and maintaining the power station, which should start providing energy by the end of 2024. The investment enables business co-operation between multiple companies in various areas.
For more information, please contact:
Dominika Izabela Wągrodzka
Partner, bnt Warsaw
Phone: +48 22 373 6550