bnt Podujatia

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    Meet the experts: labor law

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Non-compete clauses in employment contracts: is your present clause really still valid?". The business breakfast will take place at bnt Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko 24, 4th floor, Vilnius) on 6 October 2016 from 09.00


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    Meet the Experts: Pharma & Eurasian Economic Union

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Pharmaceuticals: Belarus and the Eurasian Economic Union. New Legal and Business Opportunities?" The business breakfast will take place at bnt Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko 24, 4th floor, Vilnius) on 30 June 2016 from 09.00


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    Meet the Experts: Construction law in Germany

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Construction law in Germany". The business breakfast will take place at bnt Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko 24, 4th floor, Vilnius) on 21 June 2016 from 09.00 a.m. Seminar language: English Participation fee:


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    Meet the Experts: Cumulative working time recording

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Application of cumulative working time recording: a non-traditional time recording method with benefits for employees and employers". The business


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    Meet the Experts: Anti – tax avoidance directive

    Lithuania: bnt | attorneys-at law Vilnius is pleased to invite you to our Business Breakfast: "Anti - tax avoidance directive". The business breakfast will take place at bnt Vilnius office (Embassy House, Kalinausko 24, 4th floor, Vilnius) on 21 April 2016 from 09.00 a.m. Seminar


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