Czech Republic: Update of the qualified suppliers list; optional entry of regular subcontractors
As in previous years, companies are required to update their entry in the list of qualified suppliers by 31 March, through the Ministry for Regional Development. However, this year, the process will for the first time ever be guided by the new Public Procurement Act.
The current form by which suppliers may notify the government that none of their data recorded in the list of qualified suppliers has changed is available on the website of the Ministry for Regional Development. The following documents must be submitted along with the notice:
(i) an affidavit (the wording of which is included in the form);
(ii) a confirmation of the absence of tax arrears, issued by the finance office; and
(iii) a confirmation of the absence of outstanding social insurance payments or penalties and of proper payment of the contribution towards the stated employment policy.
For foreign suppliers, confirmations must be provided both from the Czech finance office and the Czech social security administration and from the equivalent bodies / institutions in the supplier’s home country. With the exception of Slovak confirmations, foreign confirmations must be furnished with an official translation into Czech. In some cases, a special certification clause, the “apostille”, is moreover required (e.g. for confirmations from Germany or Switzerland).
We cannot talk about the list of qualified suppliers within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act without mentioning the newly established option for awarding authorities to require proof of basic qualification and industry qualification not only with respect to the suppliers themselves, but also with respect to subcontractors. There are first cases which indicate that awarding authorities are making use, and will continue to make use, of this option. Given this, it is highly recommendable especially for businesses who are in a long-term collaboration with foreign suppliers (subcontractors) to have them entered in the list of qualified suppliers. Doing so means that the paperwork for proving basic and industry qualifications will take only a few moments, instead of several weeks.
Source: Public Procurement Act (Act No. 134/2016 Coll.)