Teisės naujienos

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    Focus on environmental impact assessment

    Planned strict binding character of EIA results and direct public participation in approval process. If the Slovak parliament passes a proposed amendment to the Act on environmental impact assessment without comment, this could lead to a stricter and longer assessment process for projects submitted after 01 December 2014. Currently, the


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    Kvalifikacijų žemėlapis

    Lietuva: Darbdaviai teiks duomenis apie darbuotojų profesijas Kaip ir iki šiol, įdarbindamas naują darbuotoją, kiekvienas darbdavys apie tai privalės pranešti „Sodrai". Pranešime reikės pateikti ne tik įprastinę informaciją (pvz., darbuotojo vardą, pavardę, asmens kodą ir pan.), bet ir nurodyti priimamo darbuotojo profesijos keturženklį kodą pagal Lietuvos profesijų klasifikatorių.Svarbu atkreipti


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    Group corporations – new opportunities and obligations

    Czech Republic: Company group law undergoes fundamental sea change as of 1 January 2014 The Czech lawmaker has for a long time been attempting to regulate relations within groups of companies (group corporations). Prior to the comprehensive overhaul of Czech private law at the


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    Maneuvering in lease agreements

    Tenants are often interested in establishing a pre-emptive right to real estate, should the landlord wish to sell it in the future.  In this article, we present various methods of finding out if a pre-emptive right can be arranged not only in an alienation contract, but also, for example, directly


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    Adjustment items for receivables that originated after 01/01/14

    Czech Republic: A fundamental change of the rules for the creation of adjustment items for non-barred receivables On 1 January 2014, an amendment to Act No. 593/1992 Coll., on reserves (for determining the income tax assessment base) has come into force which


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