Legal news

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    Czechia: Amendment to the Labor Code comes into force as of 1 October 2023

    Long the subject of debates, this major amendment to the Labor Code has now been adopted and will take effect already on 1 October 2023.


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    Czechia: On the specifics of trilateral agreements on real estate brokerage

    In a recent judgment, the Supreme Court looked into the issue of whether a trilateral reservation agreement (coming under the purview of the Real Estate Brokerage Act) had given rise to valid obligations of the parties.


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    Czechia: Scope of lease rights and obligations which pass to the acquirer of the rental property

    The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic had to address the question of the extent to which rights and obligations from a lease relation pass to the new owner of the rental property under current law.


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    Czechia: Under what circumstances may a fixed salary arrangement take into account potential overtime work?

    In its judgment 21 Cdo 1033/2019-209 of 26 February 2021, the Supreme Court had to deal with a case that concerned the conditions under which an employer and an employee may agree on a salary which reflects (i.e., includes) any overtime work of the latter.


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    Czechia: Restrictions on the transferability of bonds and notes and their practical consequences

    The Supreme Court has recently addressed the legal issue of what the consequences are of a transfer of a bond that is in conflict with the agreement between the debtor and the creditor. At its core, the decision upholds the need to reflect the understanding among the parties participating in


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