Jakub Kasl
Associated Partner
bnt attorneys in CEE
11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Associated Partner
Ühinemine ja jagunemine, Ühisettevõtted, KINNISVARA, Ost ja müük, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Kinnisvara haldamine ja rent
tšehhi, inglise
Právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (Mgr.)
Česká advokátní komora
27.10.2021 |
Right of superficies to machinery
Right of superficies to machinery
23.03.2021 |
On the mutual right of first refusal of owners of buildings and of the land underneath such buildings in the Czech Republic
On the mutual right of first refusal of owners of buildings and of the land underneath such buildings in the Czech Republic
27.10.2020 |
Czech Supreme Court confirms that the protection of the family household enjoys the highest priority
Czech Supreme Court confirms that the protection of the family household enjoys the highest priority
18.09.2020 |
Czech Supreme Court puts another spoke in the wheel of landlords – why does it refuse to recognize voluntary agreements between two parties?
Czech Supreme Court puts another spoke in the wheel of landlords – why does it refuse to recognize voluntary agreements between two parties?
17.10.2019 |
A legal way to protect oneself against contractor’s insolvency in the Czech Republic
A legal way to protect oneself against contractor’s insolvency in the Czech Republic
27.05.2019 |
Are tenants’ claims for a discount on rent in jeopardy after the recent Czech Supreme Court decision?
Are tenants' claims for a discount on rent in jeopardy after the recent Czech Supreme Court decision?
25.06.2018 |
Binding opinions for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act
Binding opinions for the purposes of fast-track proceedings under the Building Act
28.05.2018 |
Notarial deeds with direct enforceability clause and their pitfalls
Notarial deeds with direct enforceability clause and their pitfalls
26.03.2018 |
Are we about to witness the end of the systemic bias defense?
Are we about to witness the end of the systemic bias defense?
18.12.2017 |
A Christmas gift from the taxman: VAT is not included in the assessment base for property transfer tax
A Christmas gift from the taxman: VAT is not included in the assessment base for property transfer tax
25.10.2016 |
Archiving of the electronic official bulletin board
Archiving of the electronic official bulletin board
24.08.2016 |
Reporting on passive corruption
Reporting on passive corruption
24.06.2016 |
European Certificate of Succession
European Certificate of Succession
24.02.2016 |
Occurrence of the claim for payment of the price for work
Occurrence of the claim for payment of the price for work
14.01.2016 |
Standard maintenance and minor repairs in connection with the use of apartments
Standard maintenance and minor repairs in connection with the use of apartments
05.08.2015 |
Right of superficies to machinery
Right of superficies to machinery