bnt novinky

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    Polish partner speaks on the hot topic of billboards

    Poland: Małgorzata Zamorska presented her views on the constitutional challenge of anti-billboard local legislation Małgorzata Zamorska, partner at Warsaw's bnt attorneys-in-CEE office, was recently cited in two articles about a hot topic now discussed in front of the Constitutional Tribunal. Namely, she presented her views on the law which allows


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    Meet our expert at the upcoming IBA Annual Conference in Seoul

    Our bnt attorneys in CEE team consisting of partners Margareta Sovova, Jan Burmeister and Jan Safranek are ready to meet, share knowledge, network, build contacts and develop business during the IBA Annual Conference held at the COEX Convention & Exhibition Center in Seoul on the 22-27 September 2019.   


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    Promotion of lawyer at bnt Vilnius

    Lithuania: Aušra Zabulionytė promoted to Associate position Congratulations to our colleague, lawyer Aušra Zabulionytė, for her recent promotion from Junior Associate to Associate. Aušra joined bnt attorneys in CEE at our Lithuanian office in Vilnius as a legal intern in 2017. Since then, she has worked as a lawyer


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    Jsme partnery projektu Advokáti proti totalitě

    Pražská kancelář bnt attorneys in CEE se rozhodla podpořit projekt České advokátní komory, která si letos společně s českou veřejností připomíná 30 let od listopadové revoluce 1989. Cílem projektu Advokáti proti totalitě je odhalit osudy a příběhy statečných advokátů, kteří v boji za práva klientů proti totalitnímu režimu


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    New colleague joins bnt in Lithuania

    Lithuania: German lawyer Hans Lauschke strengthens the Lithuanian team of bnt attorneys in CEE in Vilnius Hans Lauschke completed his studies in the field of law with a master’s degree in Law (LL.M.) at Dresden University of Technology in Saxony, Germany. During his studies he specialised in business,


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