
  • ziņas

    Business breakfast series started at bnt Vilnius

    Lithuania: bnt Vilnius has started a discussion forum for clients and other interested companies on topical legal and tax issues. bnt Vilnius has started a discussion forum for clients and other interested companies on topical legal and tax issues. In future bnt Vilnius will be welcoming clients and other


  • ziņas

    Business Breakfast at bnt Vilnius office

    Lithuania: bnt attorneys-at law Vilnius together with German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) are pleased to invite you to the Business Breakfast: Tax planning or tax avoidance? bnt attorneys-at law Vilnius together with German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce (AHK) are pleased to invite you to the Business Breakfast: Tax planning


  • ziņas

    Road over railway in Radom

    Poland: Municipal Board of Roads and Transport seeks constructor for road works.   Local authorities have just announced a tender for construction of a road and two overpasses over a railway. The works are part of the modernization of Żółkiewskiego street in Radom. The task is highly complex and besides


  • ziņas

    New primary school in Nuremberg

    Germany: School and day-nursery building must be environmentally friendly. A school and day-nursery with a building area of around 3.5 thousand square metres is planned for the suburbs of Nuremberg. The whole building must be constructed in "passive building technology" to fulfil rigorous standards of energy efficiency, requiring as little


  • ziņas

    Modernization of sewers in “Tricity”

    Poland: Five months to rebuild more than 4,500.00 metres of canals.   A project for renovation of sewers in the urban area of Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot is being co-financed with European Union funds as part of an Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme. The task is divided into three parts


  • Parakstieties ziņu saņemšanai

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