Senior Associate
Įmonės, Susijungimai ir įsigijimai, Jungtinė veikla, NEKILNOJAMAS TURTAS, Commercial, manufacturing and service industry real estate users, Private equity, institutional investors and funds, Pirkimas/Pardavimas, Planning & zoning, land use and building regulations, Environmental law, „Plyno lauko” investicijos”, Infrastructure, Nekilnojamojo turto valdymas ir nuoma, Conducting cases in public courts and before arbitration tribunals, dispute resolution, Nekilnojamojo turto projektų restruktūrizavimas, Energy installations and utilities, Teisminiai ginčai, Rizikos ir konfliktų valdymas, Asset Finance, Banking and finance, Kapitalo rinkos, Finance Regulatory, Financial restructuring and refinancing, Fondai, Draudimas, Investavimo paslaugos, Project Finance, Tarptautiniai ir ES reguliavimo klausimai, Transportas ir logistika, Komercinės sutartys
Anglų, Vokiečių, Slovakų

„Covid-19 & Commercial Leases, A Tour Around the Globe”, A Comparative eGuide, florent, 2020 (article on Slovakia)
„Maneuvering in lease agreements” in Connection magazine, January/February 2014
„Gefallen Ihnen unsere Räumlichkeiten? Kaufen Sie sie” in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 02/2014
„Is the exercise of a share pledge (im)possible?” ini Connection magazine, March/April 2013
„Common clauses and stipulations in loan agreements” in Connection magazine, January/February 2012
„Prišli ste o vlastníctvo nehnuteľnosti kvôli chybám z minulosti?” in Eurobiznis, 11/2011
„Der Immobilienerwerb durch Ausländer in der Slowakei” in BFAI, 2007


Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Mgr.)
University of Regensburg, Germany (LL.M.)

Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)

Acquisition in Slovak Real Estate Law – NEW RULES!
Acquisition in Slovak Real Estate Law - NEW RULES!
New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings
New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings
New rules for information from the slovak land register
New rules for information from the slovak land register
Handling the payment of the purchase price in real estate transactions
Handling the payment of the purchase price in real estate transactions
Maneuvering in lease agreements
Maneuvering in lease agreements