Roman Gašparík
81108 Bratislava
“Covid-19 & Commercial Leases, A Tour Around the Globe”, A Comparative eGuide, florent, 2020 (article on Slovakia)
“Maneuvering in lease agreements” in Connection magazine, January/February 2014
“Gefallen Ihnen unsere Räumlichkeiten? Kaufen Sie sie” in Fachnewsletter der Deutsch-Slowakischen Industrie– und Handelskammer, 02/2014
“Is the exercise of a share pledge (im)possible?” ini Connection magazine, March/April 2013
“Common clauses and stipulations in loan agreements” in Connection magazine, January/February 2012
“Prišli ste o vlastníctvo nehnuteľnosti kvôli chybám z minulosti?” in Eurobiznis, 11/2011
“Der Immobilienerwerb durch Ausländer in der Slowakei” in BFAI, 2007
Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Mgr.)
University of Regensburg, Germany (LL.M.)
Slovenská advokátska komora (Slovak Bar Association)
15.07.2021 |
Acquisition in Slovak Real Estate Law – NEW RULES!
Acquisition in Slovak Real Estate Law – NEW RULES!
04.03.2019 |
New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings
New rules for garage parking spaces in residential buildings
12.11.2018 |
New rules for information from the slovak land register
New rules for information from the slovak land register
26.09.2018 |
Handling the payment of the purchase price in real estate transactions
Handling the payment of the purchase price in real estate transactions
19.02.2014 |
Maneuvering in lease agreements
Maneuvering in lease agreements